Instant Anxiety

There was a time when postmen were eagerly awaited and letters by post used to be the main medium of communication. Unlike today, when there is instant connectivity, in my growing up days mobiles were unheard of and even fixed line telephones were rare. Away from home I would be residing in the hostel, for days together my parents had no idea about my wellbeing till the time they received a letter by post. Continue reading “Instant Anxiety”

The missing girl child

Not only are the poor and uneducated neglecting and eliminating the girl child , the rich and the educated also continue to murder their daughters (in the womb). No wonder the girl child is missing! This is the grim picture that emerges from the recent census 2011 data which shows that there are only 919 girls against 1000 boys in the age group of 0-6 years reflecting a huge shortfall of thousands of girls Continue reading “The missing girl child”

The senior citizen dilemma

As the Railway Minister Ms Mamta Bannerjee announced proudly in Rail budget 2011-12 that women will now be eligible for senior citizen ticket concession at the age of 58, memory of an interesting episode flashed across my mind. My paternal uncle and aunt were travelling from Patna to Jalandhar by train. My uncle availed senior citizen concession for himself to which he was duly entitled, but he bought a concessional ticket for my aunt also who must have been in her late 50s but hardly looked her age. Continue reading “The senior citizen dilemma”

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