Race for faster Delivery
A food delivery company rolls out an instant delivery plan. You have craving for a particular food; with a touch on the mobile screen you place the order, within 10 minutes food will be delivered at your doorstep. Isn’t it crazy? It takes more time to cook a packet of much touted 2- minute noodles if you take into account all the preparation time. But here, you don’t even have to plan your meal in advance and wait for it; the dish of your choice is in front of you within minutes. I am left gaping. Continue reading “Race for faster Delivery”
Taken for a ride, for free
It is sales season. There are advertisements galore in newspapers and on television, banners in every market place announcing the ‘End of season sale’-free gifts and heavy discounts. The moment I see the word ’free’, excitement overtakes my rational mind. My ability to analyze objectively the need and evaluate the pros and cons of the offer goes for a toss. I end up buying things that I don’t even need, all for the lure of ‘free’.
An exhaustive exercise in vanity
Gone are the days when accomplishments were kept under wraps, away from public gaze. The common refrain used to be ‘nazar lag jaye gi. Hence, sharing of good news was discouraged. Not true any longer. Continue reading “An exhaustive exercise in vanity”
As memories linger, nostalgia remains
For my generation that grew up in the 60s and 70s, childhood was sans much of the frills and amenities of today; nevertheless, it was joyful and fun-filled. It is another matter that fun for us had a different connotation altogether. A candy, a chocolate, an orange bar or a bottle of coke was a big indulgence. An occasional film outing was enough to send us to cloud nine. No video games, no expensive toys; we were happy playing simple games with the children in the neighbourhood. With the internet, computers and mobiles the things of the future, we had real interactions as opposed to virtual. Our one-stop destination, the only holiday resort that we knew was maternal grand parents’ house that we looked forward to visiting every summer vacation.