The incident dates back to pre-independence period. My father must have been in his early 20s, when as a fresh graduate, he was selected in the Defence Accounts Department of the government of India. For joining the job he required a medical certificate. After his medical examination he had to get the final stamp of approval from the chief medical officer who happened to be a British. As my father’s name was called out, he entered the room of the medical officer. While the C.M.O. kept shuffling the papers with one hand, he kept gesturing with his left hand from beneath the table as if he was asking for something. Repeatedly the officer asked my father, “What shall I write?” My father could not comprehend anything. Ultimately the medical officer signed the paper and my father came out with the medical certificate in his hand. The other candidates, who had to part with what ever money they had in their pocket, were curious to know how much my father had to shell out. My father did not pay a penny. He was too naïve to understand that the officer was asking for a bribe. Continue reading “The Indiagate scam”
Not so civic
During my teens I was an ardent reader of now defunct, ‘The Illustrated Weekly of India’. Deeply entrenched in my memory is a cover story published in the magazine decades ago Continue reading “Not so civic”
My flirtations with modern retail
A few years ago when the retail outlets of the Indian corporate giants sprang up in the neighborhood market, in the close proximity of the mom and pop stores, threat perception gripped the small shop owners who feared that the big players would swamp the market crowding out the small retailers. There was anxiety writ large over the face of my Karyana shop Bania as his trusted customers started drifting Continue reading “My flirtations with modern retail”
Instant Anxiety
There was a time when postmen were eagerly awaited and letters by post used to be the main medium of communication. Unlike today, when there is instant connectivity, in my growing up days mobiles were unheard of and even fixed line telephones were rare. Away from home I would be residing in the hostel, for days together my parents had no idea about my wellbeing till the time they received a letter by post. Continue reading “Instant Anxiety”
Dare devils on the roads
“Is the traffic light there just for your entertainment?” asked Oprah Winfrey,the American talk show host icon on her recent visit to India. Quite clearly she was aghast at our utter disregard for the traffic rules.