Instant Anxiety

There was a time when postmen were eagerly awaited and letters by post used to be the main medium of communication. Unlike today, when there is instant connectivity, in my growing up days mobiles were unheard of and even fixed line telephones were rare. Away from home I would be residing in the hostel, for days together my parents had no idea about my wellbeing till the time they received a letter by post. Continue reading “Instant Anxiety”

Bending the Rules

‘Bend D Rule’, reads the sticker on the front windscreen of a neighbour’s car. In fact, all his cars, old and new, big and small, flaunt the same motto. What a style statement! But isn’t taking pride in bending the rules and breaking the law an Indian syndrome? Not only do many of us blatantly flout the rules but have the audacity to boast about our utter disregard for the rules. Continue reading “Bending the Rules”

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